Our Publications:
- K. Pardikar, J. Capindale, K. Pitt, I. Abdi-Rahman, D. Cumming, R.M. Smith, (2025). Spherical agglomeration for local control of electrode microstructure: Generation of structured agglomerates, Powder Technology, 120688.
- K. Pitt, J.D. Tew, B. Ahmed, C. Brown, I. Houson, A.L. Robertson, K.P. Girard, J.L. Quon, J.D. Litster, R.M. Smith, (2024). Spherical agglomeration kinetics: A mechanistic approach, Powder Technology, 445, 120082.
- N. Bala, J. Corrigan, J. Meyer, M. Schongut, P. Doshi, K. Iyer, K. Lee, M. Rowland, J.D. Litster, N. Dawson, R.M. Smith, (2024).
Mechanistic modeling of twin screw wet granulation for pharmaceutical formulations: Calibration, sensitivity analysis, and model-driven workflow, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 659, 124246. - X. Lu, G.J. Lian, J. Parker, R. Ge, M.K. Sadan, R.M. Smith, D. Cumming, (2024). Effect of carbon blacks on electrical conduction and conductive binder domain of next-generation lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 592, 233916-233916
- J.D. Tew, K. Pitt, R. Smith, J.D. Litster, (2023) True bridging liquid-solid ratio (TBSR). Redefining a critical process parameter in spherical agglomeration, Powder Technology, 430, 119010
- M. Aroniada, G. Bano, Y. Vueva, C. Christodoulou, F. Li, J.D. Litster, (2023). A novel mixing rule model to predict the flowability of directly compressed pharmaceutical blends, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 647, 123475-123475
- L.G. Wang, J.D. Litster, R.M. Smith, (2023). A novel oblique impact model for unified particle breakage master curve, Chemical Engineering Science, 268, 118397-118397
- B. Ahmed, O. Arjmandi-Tash, J.D. Litster, R.M. Smith, (2023). Mechanistic modelling of spherical agglomeration processes, Powder Technology, 417
- D. Monaco, G.K. Reynolds, P. Tajarobi, J.D. Litster, A.D. Salman, (2023). Modelling the effect of L/S ratio and granule moisture content on the compaction properties in continuous manufacturing, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 633
- L.G. Wang, C. Omar, J.D. Litster, D. Slade, J. Li, A. Salman, S. Bellinghausen, D. Barrasso, N. Mitchell, (2022). Model driven design for integrated twin screw granulator and fluid bed dryer via flowsheet modelling, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 628, 122186
- R. Ge, D.J. Cumming, R.M. Smith, (2022). Discrete element method (DEM) analysis of lithium ion battery electrode structures from X-ray tomography-the effect of calendering conditions, Powder Technology, 403, 117366
- S. Bellinghausen, E. Gavi, L. Jerke, D. Barrasso, A.D. Salman, J.D. Litster, (2022). Model-driven design using population balance modelling for high shear granulation, Powder Technology, 396, 578-595
- E. Hadjittofis, S.M. Vargas, J.D. Litster, K.L.S. Campbell, (2022). Exploring the role of crystal habit in the Ostwald rule of stages, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 478, 2258
- S.A.L. de Koster, L.X. Liu, J.D. Litster, R.M. Smith, (2021). High-shear granulation: An investigation into granule breakage rates, Advanced Powder Technology, 32, 1390-1398.
- L.G. Wang, J.P. Morrissey, D. Barrasso, D. Slade, S. Clifford, G. Reynolds, J.Y. Ooi, J.D. Litster, (2021). Model driven design for twin screw granulation using mechanistic-based population balance model, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 607, 120939
- L.G. Wang, C. Omar, J.D. Litster, J. Li, N. Mitchell, S. Bellinghausen, D. Barrasso, A. Salman, D. Slade, (2021). Tableting model assessment of porosity and tensile strength using a continuous wet granulation route, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 607, 120934
- A.S. Yeardley, S. Bellinghausen, R.A. Milton, J.D. Litster, S.F. Brown, (2021). Efficient global sensitivity-based model calibration of a high-shear wet granulation process, Chemical Engineering Science, 238, 116569
- L.G. Wang, S.U. Pradhan, C. Wassgren, D. Barrasso, D. Slade, J.D. Litster, (2020). A breakage kernel for use in population balance modelling of twin screw granulation, Powder Technology, 363, 525-540
- L. Farber, D. K. Al-aaraj, R.M. Smith, M. Gentzler (2020). Formation and internal microstructure of granules from wetting and non-wetting efavirenz/iron oxide blends, Chemical Engineering Science, 227, 115909
- O. Arjmandi-Tash, J.D. Tew, K. Pitt, R.M. Smith, J.D. Litster (2019). A new mathematical model for nucleation of spherical agglomerates by the immersion mechanism, Chemical Engineering Science: X, 4, 100048
- S. Bellinghausen, E. Gavi, L. Jerke, P.K. Ghosh, A.D. Salman, J.D. Litster, (2019). Nuclei size distribution modelling in wet granulation, Chemical Engineering Science: X 4, 100038
- S.A.L. de Koster, K. Pitt, J.D. Litster, R.M. Smith (2019). High Shear Granulation: An investigation into the granule consolidation and layering mechanism, Powder Technology, 335, 514-525
- N. Yusof, J. Green, K. Pitt, O. Arjmandi-Tash, A.I. Campbell, H. Ahmedian, H. Tantawy, R.M. Smith (2019). A novel method for the analysis of particle coating behaviour via contact spreading in a tumbling drum: Effect of coating liquid viscosity, Powder Technology, 351, 102-114
- K. Pitt, R. Peña, J.D. Tew, K. Pal, R.M. Smith, Z.K. Nagy, J.D. Litster (2018). Particle design via spherical agglomeration: A critical review of controlling parameters, rate processes and modelling. Powder Technology, 326, 327-343
- K. Pitt, R.M. Smith, S.A.L. de Koster, J.D. Litster, M.J. Hounslow (2018). Kinetics of immersion nucleation driven by surface tension. Powder Technology, 335, 62-69
- E. Ireland, K. Pitt, R.M. Smith (2016). A review of pulsed flow fluidisation; the effects of intermittent gas flow on fluidised gas-solid bed behaviour. Powder Technology, 292, 108-121
- A. Rashid, E.T. White, T. Howes, J.D. Litster, I. Marziano (2015). The Metastability and Nucleation Thresholds of Ibuprofen in Ethanol and Water-Ethanol Mixtures. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Article ID 560930
- R. Sayin, A.S. El Hagrasy, J.D. Litster (2015). Distributive mixing elements: Towards improved granule attributes from a twin screw granulation process. Chemical Engineering Science, 125, 165-175
- B. Mitra, J. Hilden, J.D. Litster (2015). Novel use of monodisperse granules to deconvolute impacts of granule size versus granule solid fraction on tablet tensile strength. Advanced Powder Technology, 26(2), 553-562
- J. Lu, J.D. Litster, Z.K. Nagy (2015). Nucleation Studies of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in an Air-Segmented Microfluidic Drop-Based Crystallizer. Crystal Growth & Design, 15(8), 3645-3651
- K. Pitt, M.J. Hounslow (2015). Aggregation of growing crystals in suspension: III. Accounting for adhesion and repulsion. Chemical Engineering Science, 133, 148-156
- K. Pitt, M.J. Hounslow (2015). Aggregation of growing crystals in suspension: II. Poiseuille flow crystalliser. Chemical Engineering Science, 122, 384-394
- M.J. Hounslow, E.J.W. Wynn, M. Kubo, K. Pitt (2013). Aggregation of growing crystals in suspension: I. Mumtaz revisited. Chemical Engineering Science, 101, 731-743
- R.M. Smith, J.D. Litster (2012). Examining the failure modes of wet granular materials using dynamic diametrical compression. Powder Technology, 224, 189-195
- W.N. Al Nasser, K. Pitt, M.J. Hounslow, A.D. Salman (2012). Monitoring of aggregation and scaling of calcium carbonate in the presence of ultrasound irradiation using focused beam reflectance measurement. Powder Technology, 238, 151-160
- K. Pitt, G.P. Mitchell, A. Ray, B.R. Heywood, M.J. Hounslow (2012). Micro-mechanical model of calcium oxalate monohydrate aggregation in supersaturated solutions: Effect of crystal form and seed concentration. Journal of Crystal Growth, 361, 176-188
- R.M. Smith, L.X. Liu, J.D. Litster (2010). Breakage of drop nucleated granules in a breakage only high shear mixer. Chemical Engineering Science, 65(21), 5651-5657
- L.X. Liu, R.M. Smith, J.D. Litster (2009). Wet granule breakage in a breakage only high-hear mixer: Effect of formulation properties on breakage behaviour. Powder Technology, 189(2), 158-164
- K.P. Hapgood, R.M. Smith, J.D. Litster (2003). Nucleation regime map for liquid bound granules. AICHE Journal, 2(49), 350-361